2. What attracts you to writing horror?
I think that I’m attracted to writing horror because we are all horrified by something, we are all scared of something and that horror is a way to face these fears, a way to write them out and send them out into the world – writing horror for me is a cathartic experience, I work through

my own issues within the pages, and I also hope that my writing also helps other face their fears from the comfort of a chair and a coffee. There is something innate in us, buried deep down as to why we love to be scared, why do we always say boo to a baby, it’s something that thrills us, something that makes us feel alive whilst also some what unsafe – but knowing the things we read are just that words on a page it makes the whole process bearble. I feel too that horror is something that everyone can relate to in some way.
3. Who are your writing heroes and why?
4. What does your writing routine look like?
My writing routine is dropping the children off to school and then coming home on my two days off a week and sitting at my desk with a cup of coffee and some breakfast. I will usually write from 9:30am – 1:30pm straight. I never look over the words I’ve written until I’ve finished the project, otherwise I find that I’m always saying I’m writing a book instead of I’ve written a book. I find that if I re-read the work I’ve been doing I spend the majority of my time editing

those words than putting new words on the page – so I leave all the editing until the book is finished and I’ve written those words THE END. I make copious amounts of notes and have taken to planning my books a lot more in recent years, I have a huge pin-board at home (which looks like a detectives crime investigation) where I have chapters up and then little red strings going between certain parts of the story – my common thread as it were. I also sketch ideas of what my characters look like, this helps me really visualise the characters. I usually write in silence, I did listen to some John Denver when I was writing Juniper but this was mainly in the editing stage, I just find music and other noises a distraction – so where I can I try to write in silence and when no one is in the house.
5. What scared you as a child?
6. What scares you as an adult?
7. You’re known as a big supporter of authors on social media, and you’ve an awesome book review channel on YouTube. Who’s an indie author everyone should be reading?
8. What’s the first horror novel you remember reading?

9. Best horror short story and why?
10. What’s your all time favourite horror movie and why?
11. Which character from someone else’s fiction would you most like to be?
12. Where did the idea for your last book come from?
13. Can you tell us something about your current ‘work in progress’?
14. What book of yours should people start with?
15. Have you got a newsletter/reader magnet?
16. Where can people stalk you online like a serial killer?
I’m usually on twitter and my username is Ross1982 also you can subscribe to my YouTube channel which is Ross Jeffery and I think Dan will put the link here.
17. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Just that i’m all about collaboration if you want to connect, if I can help promote your books get in contact – this usually works best if we have some type of relationship before you contact me out of the blue and say review my book. Also if you want to help support me as a writer please do read my books and if you can leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads or both, it really does help!