1. Who is Lee Mountford:
Lee Mountford is a horror author from the North-East of England. His first book, Horror in the Woods, was published in May 2017 to fantastic reviews, and his follow-up book, The Demonic, achieved Best Seller status in both Occult Horror and British Horror categories on Amazon.
He is a lifelong horror fan, much to the dismay of his amazing wife, Michelle, and his work is available in ebook, print and audiobook formats.
In August 2017 he and his wife welcomed their first daughter, Ella, into the world. In May 2019, their second daughter, Sophie, came along. Michelle is hoping the girls doesn’t inherit her father’s love of horror, but Lee has other ideas…
2. How did you get into writing?
3. Describe your writing style as if it were the demonic love child of 2 or more of your favourite authors, genetically spliced together in a lab and grown in a vat of green goo.
4.Tell us about you biggest achievement or proudest writing moment to date?
5. Now tell us about you lowest moment and how you overcame it? Go on, be a hero…
6. What’s your spookiest life experience?
7. What’s the best book you read this year, and why?
8. What book/story do you wish you could have written?
There are probably thousands of books I wish could have written, but I’m going to go with Dracula. And that’s as much for the legacy Stoker gained from writing it as it is from the story itself (which is still amazing).
Dan: Can’t argue with a classic.
9. Which monster from fiction – books, TV or film – would you most like to be and why?
This one took some deciding upon. I considered Pinhead, as he just tends to slowly walk around looking like a boss, and doesn’t really need to move too
much, just calmly throwing a hook out every now and again (and the lack of running and physically exertion really appealed!). Jason and Michael Myers… I think being either of those would get boring real quick. Cthulhu and Azathoth and others from the Lovecraft universe would just be too alien to enjoy. I get the feeling they don’t have a lot of fun. Dracula could work (who needs the sun?), and Freddy would be fun given he can shape the world around him when in someone’s dream (though he is still stuck in someone else’s dream all the time), but I think I’m going to go with Dorian Gray! I know that sounds boring, but given I just turned 40, the idea of eternal youth appeals to me a whole lot right now!
10. Which one of your books would be best adapted into a movie? And who would you cast in the lead roles?
11. You have a really active Facebook group for your fans. You even poll them for suggestions for upcoming projects. Can you tell us about something creative that’s has come out of interactive with your fans?
Oh, where to begin? I’m so lucky to have the best readers in the world, and their help has been invaluable! They’ve helped with closing cover designs, giving opinions on which books to write next, even giving suggestions for cool locations and urban legends to research. They’ve helped shape so much of my work so far. And I just figure that, if I want options on things… who better to ask than the people who read my work?
12. Where did the idea for your last book come from?
13. Can you tell us something about your current ‘work in progress’?
So I have to things to mention here. I’m currently plotting out Books 5 and 6 in the Haunted series, but I’m also fleshing out a completely new series, which will be set in Victorian Britain. It will be a kind of horror, dark fantasy tale, with lots of monsters, lovecraftian threats, conspiracy, and violence. The story for the first book is pretty much set, but I’m taking my time creating the world around it, as it’s so different from anything else I’ve written before. I’m really excited about it, though.
14. What book of yours should people start with?
I would say either Haunted: Perron Manor, The Demonic, or Horror in the Woods. Any of those three, depending on your tastes (Horror in the Woods is more gory and violent, and the other two are haunted house tales, with The Demonic a stand-alone, and Perron Manor the start of a series).
15. Have you got a newsletter/reader magnet?
16. Where can people stalk you online like a serial killer?
I have a website, which is www.leemountford.com, but am most active on Facebook. My Facebook Author Page is: @LeeMountfordAuthor. Twitter: @LeeMountford01. Serial killers are fine, as long as they promise to buy my books! I think that’s fair.
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