BOOK REVIEW: The Fungus by Harry Adam Knight

Note: this review first appeared on The Fungus is a romp of a horror story, mixing black-humour with a classic Promethean horror motif of science run amok. Part of Valancourt Book’s revamp of 1970s and 80s creature horror, The Fungus delivers on the nostalgia and a wickedly grotesque monster, well, mutated fungi really, but they aren’t without […]

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BOOK REVIEW: Anno Dracula – One Thousand Monsters by Kim Newman

More Gothic and Victorian literary intertextuality that you can shake a wooden stake at. Slicker than a tanto blade after seppuku with only faintly marred with staccato transitions into action scenes. So sharp it might cut itself with its own cleverness. If literary influences bit each other to create a super-vampire this book would be the get of: Dracula, Frankenstein, Lovecraft, Loan Wolf and […]

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